Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Scheduling the Concurrent program

Scheduling the Concurrent program
We can submit the Concurrent program future date or date by using 
the schedule button in SRS window
As soon as possible: This is default option whenever we submit the
 request it will submit the as soon as possible
Once: It will submit the rest only once for future date.
Periodically: WE can specify the from_date and to_date to submit 
program periodically no of. Days months, hours, minutes and so on.
Specific Days: If we want submit concurrent program in the specific 
days we write select this option
Save this Schedule: This check box will be used to save the schedule 
and apply same schedule to other concurrent programs 
by selecting the button called ‘Apply save schedule’
NOTE: After schedule the Concurrent program we can also 
cancel by selecting the cancel button.

$FLEX$ and $PROFILES$ in Oracle Apps

What is $FLEX$ and $PROFILES$?

$FLEX$ and $PROFILES$ are Special Variables in oracle Apps environment and are used to hold values at runtime.
Every Oracle Apps technical consultant will be familiar with the term $FLEX$ and $PROFILES$. Whenever we are working with value sets, we will be using both of these for modifying the data fetched, for basing the values of a parameter on the other parameter and also fetching the Profile Option values.
To segregate this based on the functionality
$FLEX$: Used for basing the value of a parameter on another parameter.
$PROFILES$: used for fetching the data stored in the specified profile option value which is currently active.

Where is it used? 

Both these variables are used in the
 Parameter form of a Concurrent Program and are used at the Where Clause window in the value set of Table type.


  • $FLEX$ must always be in capitals.
  • A ‘:’ must precede the declaration of $FLEX$.
  • The previous value set name must have already been assigned and saved on a different parameter.

  • $PROFILES$ must be always in capitals.
  • ‘:’ must always precede the declaration.
  • Profile option name is the Profile Name and not to be confused with the User profile Name.

SQL query to get list of responsibilities in oracle apps

SELECT (SELECT application_short_name
FROM fnd_application fa
WHERE fa.application_id = frt.application_id) application,
frt.responsibility_id, frt.responsibility_name
FROM apps.fnd_responsibility_tl frt;